Monday, November 1, 2010

A Novel Situation

I get asked quite a bit why I never finished my novel. It's a bit of a long story, but the short of it is that it was my attempt to write about a character who experienced things in his life that I had not. I wanted to live the fantasies that I once thought I'd never experience through the adventures of this character.

I know that he would have done things that aren't possible in this world, but the more important things were that he would experience love (for the first time), an eventual family, and an overall sense of being wanted that I hadn't had the chance to encounter in the 19 short years I had lived at the time I began writing it.

Of course I blame it on, frequently, having found--what I thought at the time--was the best thing that could happen to me. Someone who claimed to have loved me as much as I loved them back. The novel fell to the wayside.

Now that I have left that disaster--yet still a learning experience--behind, I find myself traveling back to the world that my mind occupied for two years. I find new characters there, new situations, and a longing, a desire, to return there and finish the story I so long ago started. Perhaps one day I will find that drive to finish what I so long ago started.

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