Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Always a Kid at Heart

Last night, due to a friend's Halloween costume, I got the urge to watch Hook. I love Netflix because of this. I am able to find most older movies like Hook and watch them on a whim. But I digress. I'm going to be honest, we owned Hook on VHS but I hadn't watched it since the mid-nineties. Since that time I've grown wiser and, against all odds, older.

Being older, I understood a lot of the language, themes, and jokes present in the movie. Never before whilst I watched it did I ever think I would grow up as they harassed Peter for. I just thought that I'd remain much the same as Peter Pan and his Lost Boys and stay young forever.

Boy was I wrong.

I am twenty-seven short days from turning 26. By all accounts I should in turn be much like Peter Banning (Williams's character). I have a job, I pay bills, and although I am single, I expect one day to have a kid(s) of my own that I can attempt to raise to become decent human beings like I am. However much I am forced to adhere the aforementioned adult qualities, I fear that I may never want to quit being akin to a kid.

Some may call it immature or look down on me for wanting to play games or do things that children may enjoy just as much as me, but I don't think that any amount of ridicule will force me to quit enjoying them. In fact, I love moments like tonight when I brought home the Toy Story collection and Cade's eyes lit up. He sat with me through the whole movie and laughed and said "aww" at all the right moments. It was awesome!

I think it is qualities like this that will make me a great parent one day. A parent who is there for his kid(s) and can relate to them. Because as much as the world may drive them to become adults to survive, they will never want to give up the things that shape who they eventually become.

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