Sunday, November 7, 2010

All the Good Ones

I have been a single man, thank God--a horrible story for another time, for about two years now. For the most part I've enjoyed every second of it. Having left what most would have described as a backwards and mortifying relationship behind, I find myself always daydreaming of pursuing another chance at love, but never really feel like I am ready to.

In a perfect world a relationship would have all of the perks and none of the setbacks. It may be a side effect of my previous relationship (and I'm fairly certain it is) but I feel that no matter how much you initially click, the both of you are going to get worn out on the other and eventually end up arguing about something. That's not to say that you don't continue to love each other, but as a person that dislikes verbal confrontation with loved ones, I have a hard time handling arguments.

Now I'm not a guy most women actively pursue but I have had a couple that, because of my reluctance, I ignored advances and subtle--and sometimes not so subtle--hints of interest shown toward me. However my baby sister just celebrated her second year anniversary with her boyfriend by getting engaged (I'm super proud for her don't get me wrong), but I already have one younger sibling who is married and has a beautiful one year old daughter. I just feel like I'm being left behind.

So I have been looking around, thinking about trying to get a date. Confidence is a hard thing to build, but walking and feeling better as I lose some weight helps. But here's what I've found. Most of the potential courtships are girls/women who aren't single. It seems that as some sort of cruel insult, all the good ones are taken. I know true love takes time, and I guess that's just what I'm going to have to do. Take my time. I need to find someone with a good head on her shoulders; one who cares more for who I am than what I am. And then, maybe, I'll find my Good One who won't be taken.

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