Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The IQ of a House Plant

There is no doubt that the Christmas shopping season is just around the corner. It seems that every day there are more and more questions being asked, opinions being given, and items bought. It's really a smart idea to start early. That is if you buy gifts other than gift cards (that's how I roll).

I desperately want to try and be kindhearted and patient this Holiday season, but there will inevitably be a time where I am tested by the ignorance of some people. Customer service is hard! This is my favorite time of year by far and always will be no matter what I end up having to deal with on the retail front.

Today was a day that was a sort of precursor to the business that is soon to start pouring in. Everywhere we turned we had someone stopping to ask where something was or to get our "educated" opinion on certain products. However, one man stuck out to me.

He was a self-admitted bi-polar man who wanted to pick my brain. So knowing the situation and the person I was working with, I immediately adjusted accordingly and was prepared to help until he also added, "now, I have the IQ of a house plant..." Rapidly I pushed back the urge to laugh but realized that he himself was smiling about the "joke" he had just made and we shared a short chuckle.

I helped him as much as he needed and oft stared at the massive snow goggles he had hanging around his neck, casually wondering where he was using them. This guy was different, but not in a harmful or repulsive way. His innocence attributed to his knowledge of what he wanted and his willingness to share information that may or may not have been pertinent to the conversation made him easy to work with and even though meaner people may have found him repulsive or off-putting, I would not have minded helping him as much as needed.

Quite a cool guy.

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