Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coco's Back and Black Ops

Last night I turned off wrestling before it ended. I never, ever, do that. But as a man who was insanely psyched when Conan O'Brien took over the Tonight Show from Jay Leno, you can imagine how upset I was when Jay went all Indian Giver on Conan and took his show back. Even as all good things eventually come to an end, Conan has returned to television with a vengeance.

Last night I was one of the 4.5 million people to watch his new show on TBS. I was extremely pleased with the new show and loved the piece where he shredded with Jack White. It was immensely satisfying and I'll be watching every night for the foreseeable future.

[May be a little spoil-ish]

Today I decided after much contemplation to buy Call of Duty: Black Ops. My main reasoning behind this decision was that I had several friends in real life and on Twitter who were going to play it. I was also pleased to find that the game does not occur during World War II (but only briefly) or during the current war that they had heavily stylized. I know the story of WWII and don't need to hear it again. I also care very little for the desert and much of the last two games have occurred in these settings.

I played the first two levels of the campaign and so far am enjoying the Cold War setting. The games are known for their heavily stylized selection of fictionalized war based on actual wars during history. It's almost Hollywood-esqe in over the top style. I mean how fun is it to be the secret agent that assassinates Castro? Very cool.

I also played a match of online multiplayer, my first ever. I did as well as any person who hasn't played would be expected to. 3 kills all in a row but ended up dying 10 times. I'm sure after I have a few matches under my belt, I will play a little better. If only marginally. I think I am really going to enjoy it. Aside from sharing it with Cade.

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