Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Five Faves

I have seen a lot of movies this year. Here are my favorites so far.

1. Scott Pilgrim: I just finished this for the third time. I don't think that this movie will ever wear out for me. There is just so much to love about it. From the amazing visuals to the video game references to the music, there is always something that will impress me while I watch it. The movie is wonderfully acted. Edgar Wright really knows how to make a movie.

2. Inception: this is the second movie ever that I saw two days in a row. I don't think Chris Nolan knows how to make a bad movie. The concept is intriguing and very smart. You have to really follow it closely to really enjoy the story, but the action is great too. And how about that ending?

3. Kick-Ass: it's not too often that a gritty comic book movie comes along where boundaries are pushed. Kick-Ass does just all of that with the over the top violence and the cursing of a 12 year old super heroine. The best part? It's all extremely well done. The movie was in production at the same time as the comic and therefore has some differences, but I'm not complaining with this one. Great, great movie.

4. Iron Man 2: not too sure why so many didn't really like this one. To this point, Iron Man has been my favorite mainstream comic hero brought to the silver screen (with the exception of Spider-man 1). It isn't as great as the first one and is significantly less action oriented, but the story is told well and paced perfectly by Favreau, who is also a wonderful editor.

5. How To Train Your Dragon: I don't often include animated movies in my top picks, but this one was spectacular. Great acting, wonderful animation, and an engaging story. Check it out.

What are your top 5?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coco's Back and Black Ops

Last night I turned off wrestling before it ended. I never, ever, do that. But as a man who was insanely psyched when Conan O'Brien took over the Tonight Show from Jay Leno, you can imagine how upset I was when Jay went all Indian Giver on Conan and took his show back. Even as all good things eventually come to an end, Conan has returned to television with a vengeance.

Last night I was one of the 4.5 million people to watch his new show on TBS. I was extremely pleased with the new show and loved the piece where he shredded with Jack White. It was immensely satisfying and I'll be watching every night for the foreseeable future.

[May be a little spoil-ish]

Today I decided after much contemplation to buy Call of Duty: Black Ops. My main reasoning behind this decision was that I had several friends in real life and on Twitter who were going to play it. I was also pleased to find that the game does not occur during World War II (but only briefly) or during the current war that they had heavily stylized. I know the story of WWII and don't need to hear it again. I also care very little for the desert and much of the last two games have occurred in these settings.

I played the first two levels of the campaign and so far am enjoying the Cold War setting. The games are known for their heavily stylized selection of fictionalized war based on actual wars during history. It's almost Hollywood-esqe in over the top style. I mean how fun is it to be the secret agent that assassinates Castro? Very cool.

I also played a match of online multiplayer, my first ever. I did as well as any person who hasn't played would be expected to. 3 kills all in a row but ended up dying 10 times. I'm sure after I have a few matches under my belt, I will play a little better. If only marginally. I think I am really going to enjoy it. Aside from sharing it with Cade.

Coco's Back and Black Ops

Last night I turned off wrestling before it ended. I never, ever, do that. But as a man who was insanely psyched when Conan O'Brien took over the Tonight Show from Jay Leno, you can imagine how upset I was when Jay went all Indian Giver on Conan and took his show back. Even as all good things eventually come to an end, Conan has returned to television with a vengeance.

Last night I was one of the 4.5 million people to watch his new show on TBS. I was extremely pleased with the new show and loved the piece where he shredded with Jack White. It was immensely satisfying and I'll be watching every night for the foreseeable future.

[May be a little spoil-ish]

Today I decided after much contemplation to buy Call of Duty: Black Ops. My main reasoning behind this decision was that I had several friends in real life and on Twitter who were going to play it. I was also pleased to find that the game does not occur during World War II (but only briefly) or during the current war that they had heavily stylized. I know the story of WWII and don't need to hear it again. I also care very little for the desert and much of the last two games have occurred in these settings.

I played the first two levels of the campaign and so far am enjoying the Cold War setting. The games are known for their heavily stylized selection of fictionalized war based on actual wars during history. It's almost Hollywood-esqe in over the top style. I mean how fun is it to be the secret agent that assassinates Castro? Very cool.

I also played a match of online multiplayer, my first ever. I did as well as any person who hasn't played would be expected to. 3 kills all in a row but ended up dying 10 times. I'm sure after I have a few matches under my belt, I will play a little better. If only marginally. I think I am really going to enjoy it. Aside from sharing it with Cade.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

All the Good Ones

I have been a single man, thank God--a horrible story for another time, for about two years now. For the most part I've enjoyed every second of it. Having left what most would have described as a backwards and mortifying relationship behind, I find myself always daydreaming of pursuing another chance at love, but never really feel like I am ready to.

In a perfect world a relationship would have all of the perks and none of the setbacks. It may be a side effect of my previous relationship (and I'm fairly certain it is) but I feel that no matter how much you initially click, the both of you are going to get worn out on the other and eventually end up arguing about something. That's not to say that you don't continue to love each other, but as a person that dislikes verbal confrontation with loved ones, I have a hard time handling arguments.

Now I'm not a guy most women actively pursue but I have had a couple that, because of my reluctance, I ignored advances and subtle--and sometimes not so subtle--hints of interest shown toward me. However my baby sister just celebrated her second year anniversary with her boyfriend by getting engaged (I'm super proud for her don't get me wrong), but I already have one younger sibling who is married and has a beautiful one year old daughter. I just feel like I'm being left behind.

So I have been looking around, thinking about trying to get a date. Confidence is a hard thing to build, but walking and feeling better as I lose some weight helps. But here's what I've found. Most of the potential courtships are girls/women who aren't single. It seems that as some sort of cruel insult, all the good ones are taken. I know true love takes time, and I guess that's just what I'm going to have to do. Take my time. I need to find someone with a good head on her shoulders; one who cares more for who I am than what I am. And then, maybe, I'll find my Good One who won't be taken.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The IQ of a House Plant

There is no doubt that the Christmas shopping season is just around the corner. It seems that every day there are more and more questions being asked, opinions being given, and items bought. It's really a smart idea to start early. That is if you buy gifts other than gift cards (that's how I roll).

I desperately want to try and be kindhearted and patient this Holiday season, but there will inevitably be a time where I am tested by the ignorance of some people. Customer service is hard! This is my favorite time of year by far and always will be no matter what I end up having to deal with on the retail front.

Today was a day that was a sort of precursor to the business that is soon to start pouring in. Everywhere we turned we had someone stopping to ask where something was or to get our "educated" opinion on certain products. However, one man stuck out to me.

He was a self-admitted bi-polar man who wanted to pick my brain. So knowing the situation and the person I was working with, I immediately adjusted accordingly and was prepared to help until he also added, "now, I have the IQ of a house plant..." Rapidly I pushed back the urge to laugh but realized that he himself was smiling about the "joke" he had just made and we shared a short chuckle.

I helped him as much as he needed and oft stared at the massive snow goggles he had hanging around his neck, casually wondering where he was using them. This guy was different, but not in a harmful or repulsive way. His innocence attributed to his knowledge of what he wanted and his willingness to share information that may or may not have been pertinent to the conversation made him easy to work with and even though meaner people may have found him repulsive or off-putting, I would not have minded helping him as much as needed.

Quite a cool guy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Always a Kid at Heart

Last night, due to a friend's Halloween costume, I got the urge to watch Hook. I love Netflix because of this. I am able to find most older movies like Hook and watch them on a whim. But I digress. I'm going to be honest, we owned Hook on VHS but I hadn't watched it since the mid-nineties. Since that time I've grown wiser and, against all odds, older.

Being older, I understood a lot of the language, themes, and jokes present in the movie. Never before whilst I watched it did I ever think I would grow up as they harassed Peter for. I just thought that I'd remain much the same as Peter Pan and his Lost Boys and stay young forever.

Boy was I wrong.

I am twenty-seven short days from turning 26. By all accounts I should in turn be much like Peter Banning (Williams's character). I have a job, I pay bills, and although I am single, I expect one day to have a kid(s) of my own that I can attempt to raise to become decent human beings like I am. However much I am forced to adhere the aforementioned adult qualities, I fear that I may never want to quit being akin to a kid.

Some may call it immature or look down on me for wanting to play games or do things that children may enjoy just as much as me, but I don't think that any amount of ridicule will force me to quit enjoying them. In fact, I love moments like tonight when I brought home the Toy Story collection and Cade's eyes lit up. He sat with me through the whole movie and laughed and said "aww" at all the right moments. It was awesome!

I think it is qualities like this that will make me a great parent one day. A parent who is there for his kid(s) and can relate to them. Because as much as the world may drive them to become adults to survive, they will never want to give up the things that shape who they eventually become.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Just a Test

I want to see how photos go to blogger with Posterous.

Ruffio, Ruffio, Ruffio!!!

A Novel Situation

I get asked quite a bit why I never finished my novel. It's a bit of a long story, but the short of it is that it was my attempt to write about a character who experienced things in his life that I had not. I wanted to live the fantasies that I once thought I'd never experience through the adventures of this character.

I know that he would have done things that aren't possible in this world, but the more important things were that he would experience love (for the first time), an eventual family, and an overall sense of being wanted that I hadn't had the chance to encounter in the 19 short years I had lived at the time I began writing it.

Of course I blame it on, frequently, having found--what I thought at the time--was the best thing that could happen to me. Someone who claimed to have loved me as much as I loved them back. The novel fell to the wayside.

Now that I have left that disaster--yet still a learning experience--behind, I find myself traveling back to the world that my mind occupied for two years. I find new characters there, new situations, and a longing, a desire, to return there and finish the story I so long ago started. Perhaps one day I will find that drive to finish what I so long ago started.