Friday, January 23, 2009

It's All in the Technique: Sub-Zero

For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed Mortal Kombat. Perhaps it is the overt, over the top violence that has always appealed to me. I loved playing for hours upon hours even though I always lost, and all I could do was thrown a spear or ice ball at an opponent. If Scorpion had not been present in Mortal Kombat then it is likely that the subject of discussion tonight would have been my favorite Kombatant.

I guess I like Sub-Zero because his technique is very similar to both Goku and Ryu's. When he throws an Icy Blast at an opponent Sub-Zero brings his hands behind the sides of his body and holds his hands half-cupped, palms parallel while the blast of icy cold goodness forms in his hands. After it has reached it's maximum, Sub-Zero thrusts his palms outward in front of his body uncupping his hands so that they are flat. This effectively propels the projectile forward at the opponent, and upon successfully hitting said opponent, they are frozen in place allowing a free hit for Sub-Zero.

Over the last couple of years Sub-Zero has become a lot cooler, pun intended, as continued use of this blast has permanantly frozen his forearms and hands in a kind of see through way. However, what seems to make this move seem so appealing to me is because of the way it is executed. As it is similar to the other two techniques in execution, I doubt that it is the most impactful. A free hit is cool, but it cannot always win the match.

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