Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's the Zombie Apocalypse

I am currently obsessed with zombies. Over the last two weeks I have bought or have been given 7 zombie movies and 2 books about surviving zombie attacks and/or epidemics.

Yesterday I watched four of those movies. Three of them were the Resident Evil live action movies loosely based on the game series. In the past I had watched the first one and Apocalypse. Extinction was new to me and seemed like a bit of a PG-13 horror flick although it was rated R. I enjoy RE and therefore enjoyed the movies. What surprised me was the fourth movie I watched.

Resident Evil Degeneration is a cgi movie that was gorgeous. It was kind of a 4.5, following the events just after game 4. Although I kind of felt like I was watching the in game movies, I still felt drawn to the story. I was pleased to see an old favorite in Claire Redfield in the cast and Leon S. Kennedy is just a zombie slaying badass. Overall I was pleased with the movie. A nice RE5 trailer came on the disc as well.

I bought The Zombie Diaries tonight and plan to watch it in the next couple of days, but for now I am going to rest because I have spent the last couple of days under the weather. I will also post a review of "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks as I finish it.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Gonna Kill You Dead!

Frank Miller is a literary genius.

Over the last four years the graphic novel/comic book industry has made the transition from paper medium to a film medium. Some movies have flopped in over stylized computer generated fashion, but a few have become masterpieces. At least if they don't try too many sequels, Spider-man.

Once again Miller is able to take a story made for the pages of a comic book and turn it into a pretty darn good movie. Before watching this movie I checked out a couple of reviews that claimed the characters were dull and static. Some even said that it was full of cheesey lines. That seems to be all that they were correct on. Some lines were dull and cheesey.

The actors were seemed to work well together and although seriously against the other's beliefs often times worked comedically together. Gabriel Macht was a bit unknown to me when I saw his name in the credits but others such as Sam Jackson and Eva Mendes are more mainstream actors but worked well in their roles. I was excited to see Jamie King as Death in the movie. She seems like she is Miller's go-to-gal now having been in Sin City (as Goldie) and the Spirit.

I have never read a copy of The Spirit as it was created and gained popularity in the 40s. I was not familiar with the characters nor the story going into the theater. Given Miller's tendency to exagerate his stories, i.e. 300, I'm sure the story told on screen is much different than that of Will Eisner's. The story he crafts however works extremely well and kept me entertained the whole way. Without spoiling anything The Spirit (Macht) is the mortal enemy of The Octopus (Jackson). Ol Eight legs wants the blood of Heracles as it will grant him immortality. Things are further complicated when a old flame Sand Seraph (Mendez) comes to town and joins in on the fun. There is plenty of backstory and the stylized visuals that Miller has become famous for make the presentation of the movie wonderfully remarkable.

As I said above I don't know how anyone that has previously reviewed this movie could give it such low scores (12 out of 100 on Rotten Tomatoes). I would easily give it a B+. Leaving the theater I wondered when I would watch it again. Mr. Miller sir, your movies have that effect on me, as soon as I've seen one I have to see it again and again. It was worth every penny.

Dear Diary, You're Fired

I have made previous other, and I must say futile, attempts at keeping up with a blog. I remember that blogging had just began to gain popularity when I surrendered my blog v-card and the big one--it still is--was Xanga. A funny word a friend of mine kept mentioning in biology. I made an account and maybe posted twice before I forgot my log in and gave up on it entirely. After I was convinced to finally join MySpace I tried again, this time with a bit more success than the previous attempt. MySpace, though, is a tricky mistress whom you must caress and shower with constant gifts of love and attention, and it wasn't nice that trying to post a blog was just too tedious and sloppy. Not to mention that it quickly became a place that would give inspiration to Twitter. All my friends cared about was updating their statuses to some cryptic entry that allowed me to guess what could be going on in their all-important lives. Well that and fluffing their friends list with bands and comedians as to give them bragging rights about having more friends than I do.

So here I am trying it again with an actual blogging client. I have plans that I want to try out. I want to post movie reviews, customer of the day entries, creative writings, and anything else intresting that may cross my mind. I have an iPhone--and no I'm not bragging, not any more--so I can post on the go. If I take a picture of something funny and want to post it I will. So I hope that everyone reading this likes what I have to say and if not tell me and argue your point but a readership is what I want.

So take that diary. We had a good run together but I have nothing to say to you that everyone else can't know as well. I hate to toss you in the garbage and sadly watch you go, but if it makes you feel better I'll place you in gently. Fuck You, you're fired!