Sunday, August 9, 2009


So this morning I was in a perfectly good mood. I got up didn't feel tired, went to church, and joked around. Supposed to be a good day, no?

My parents celebrated an old Southerner Tradition last night when they invited our duck huntin' cousins over and had a fish fry! Immediately after dinner ended I packed a plate for lunch and left to go play Magic the Gathering at a friend's house. Now to do this I had to bring my cards with me that I normally leave at work.

When I left the house for work today I grabbed my cards to put up at work (for play on later lunches), put my lunch in a plastic bag and mooshed my Harry Potter book between my arm. Getting in the car with hands full was a chore, let alone getting out the same way when I arrived at work.

I looked goofy. If I had seen me I'd've laughed.

Not twelve feet in the door at work, head down trying to adjust the slipping-from-my-grasp objects, a stupid, lazy (let me reiterate LAZY; as almost 99% of shoppers at this retail giant can't do anything for themselves) woman in her mid-life crisis found it absolutely necessary to break my concentration and target me in my blue shirt and ask, "where are the magazines?"

"Well if you'd look you'd find them," was the first thought in my unusually witty mind, but the good christian boy in me was fed up with laziness said something just as bad.

"They're over next to electronics," I instead said in my most non-polite leave-me-the-hell-alone voice. I then sighed very loudly so that she knew she had made me mad, and I walked off shaking my head in disgust.

Why of all of the blue shirts that are in that place did she choose the guy with hands full of stuff that the normal employee would not carry around? In the end it all comes back around to that one word. LAZY! She saw a blue shirt (which I am vehemently opposed to because it takes away the privacy I get between time swipes) and didn't care anything at all about what that person had or might be doing and lazily asked for what helped her out.

I am not opposed to helping people out, but I seriously doubt that my insurance guy would want me to show up and ask him to insure my car at anytime before he begins his shift.

This disregardless woman ruined my good mood and day, and subsequently the day of many who interacted with me thereafter, because she refused to do something for herself.

I hope your Better Homes And Gardens was worth it bitch.

As an afterthought, it is not acceptable to get mad or be pissy with someone who helps you out. It is not my fault that you have to wait five minutes for a fabric lady to cut your fabric because she covers four departments (that's a story for another blog). Disrespecting me will get you the same disrespect in turn.